Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am worn out. I can't wait until my body acclimates to my new all work lifestyle. My eating habits have become cartoonishly bad. I had mashed potatoes for dinner last night... It was the only dish I recognized out of staff meal and I only managed a bite or two of them cause I was in the weeds when I got to work and the were saltyyyyyyy as *&^%. Despite all of that I've dropped approaching 20 lbs.
In any case, I must have been doing much better than I've thought because I got a raise two nights ago, so... I don't suck!
I really do feel like I've pretty much got the station under control. I need to get it organized in a way that I can handle and get the last bit of the prep under my belt. One of the things that I don't think that my bosses get is that just because I know how to make a dish, it doesn't follow that I know how they want a dish made.
Squash soup for instance... chef wanted it cooked in a wider pot. Cool. I followed the standard proceedure for making a pureed vegetable soup and added parsley to make it green after which I find out minutes before service that they puree roasted garlic into it. It wasn't a hige deal (unlike me leaving two other major items off my station). There doesn't seem to be a "recipe book" which is frustrating in a way, but also forces some independence. You see how to make something once, then you make it from memory from then on.
I guess I'm going to be on the station myself soon, which isn't that exciting to me. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief... it's not a one man station; especially on a night like tonight, when we've got a hundred covers on the books. a pretty big night. And it's not like Applebee's kids, where some people order an appetizer and some don't. It's rare for a customer to have less than three courses, which means at least one plate off my station for every table, often more.
After my trainer is gone, I guess on big night I'll get some help from the back staff... better brush up on my espanol.

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