Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Kids really do say the darndest things!

Yesterday, while watching the terrible demoralizing and depressing defeat of the Ohio State Buckeyes (which may well signal the downfall of the Big 10) at my friends house I heard something that was so insane that I could barely focus on the game anymore, which on second thought might have been a piece of mercy.
During the halftime channel flip, we saw a little bit of an awards show and "The Golden Compass" had been nominated. My friends step-daughter, who I believe is 11, looked at all of us with the most serious look I think she has and pronounced that no one should go see that movie because in the end, Adam and Eve kill Jesus.
After the sharp pain in my head subsided, and I pronounce that I'd just heard the most ridiculous thing I'd witnessed in 2 or three months, we talked briefly about it and her step-mother had given her this absolute pearl of information.
I read the "His Dark Materials" books and I can definitely discern how some might glean an anti religion message if they so chose. I can also say Jesus did not make an appearance. I also didn't recognize any Christlike characters in any fraction of of the Film or literature. There was no direct reference to God. If anything, I suppose that the story could be an indictment of Catholocism, but even that's a s t r e t c h. The author was an athiest and as with any art, his world view influenced his story.
I'm honestly a pretty big fan of God. I mean, he's done good work. I doubt he could be happy with the extremes that people go in his name. There's no portion of that movie that could be twisted into the Adam and Eve off Jesus viewpoint. That interpretation is impossible to come to.
So the Golden Compass is evil and Harry Potter is turning our kids into witches and Warlocks. If you truly want to avoid the evil influence of this world, you shouldn't pick and choose. There's magic in Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast and well - a lot of other Disney movies.
Why were there never any protest lines at those movie openings? Magic is magic and if it's that insidious, we should avoid it. While we're at it, we should avoid any film that refers to pre or extra marital sex, even the reference to it. Also any violence, even comic violence. We wouldn't want our kids to get all home alone on anyone.

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